
2018. 2. 7 M2修士論文発表会練習



2018. 1.31 長足友哉(論文紹介)

Katsuragi and Blum, 2017. The Physics of Protoplanetesimal Dust Agglomerates. IX. Mechanical Properties of Dust Aggregates Probed by a Solid-projectile Impact, Astrophys. J. 851, 23 (10pp).

2018. 1.22 山崎祐太朗(論文紹介)

Poelchau et al., 2014. Impact cratering experiments into quartzite, sandstone and tuff: The effects of projectile size and target properties on spallation, Icarus 242, 211-224.

2017 12.20 B4卒業研究・中間発表


2017 12.13 B4卒業研究・中間発表


2017.12. 6 村上雄一(論文紹介)

Krause et al., 2011. Thermal conductivity measurements of porous dust aggregates: I. Technique model and first results, Icarus 214, 286-296.

2017.11. 1 大村知美(論文紹介)

Hartzell et al., 2017. Shaking as means to detach adhered regolith for manned Phobos exploration, Adv. Space Res., in press.

2017.10.18 山崎祐太朗(論文紹介)

C. Avdellidou, M. C. Price, M. Delboand, M. J. Cole, 2017. Survival of the impactor during hypervelocity collisions - II, An analogue for high-porosity targets, MNRAS 464, 734-738.

2017.10. 4 村上雄一(論文紹介)

A.J.W. Morris, M.J. Burchell, 2017. Laboratory tests of catastrophic disruption of rotating bodies, Icarus. 296, 91-98.

2017. 9.20 木下敏輝研究経過発表会


2017. 9. 6 長足友哉(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

M. Koester & G. Wurn, 2017. Lifting particles in martian dust devils by pressure excursions, Planet. Space Sci. 145, 9-13.

2017. 7.31 宮野加菜(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

C. C. Porco et al. et al., 2006. Cassini observes the active south pole of Enceladus. Science 311, 1393-1401.

2017. 7.26 木内真人(論文紹介)

J.L. Molaro et al., 2017. Thermally induced stressed in boulders on airless body surfaces, and implications for rock breakdown. Icarus 294, 247 - 261.

2017. 7.19 田澤拓(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

K. Wunneman and B. A. Ivanov, 2003. Numerical modeling of the impact crater depth-diameter dependence in an acoustically fluidized target. Planet. Space Sci. 51, 831-845.

2017. 7.5 石黒琢也(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

M.J.Burchell et al., 2017. Survival of fossilised diatoms and forams in hypervelocity impacts with peak shock pressures in the 1-19 GPa range. Icarus 290, 81-88.

2017. 6.28 岡崎昌志(実験惑星)(研究経過発表会


2017. 6.21 山崎祐太朗(論文紹介)

P. A. Bland et al., 2014. Pressure-temperature evolution of primordial solar system solids during impact-induced compaction. Nature Communications 5, #5451.

2017. 6.14 矢部みなみ(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

O. L. White et al., 2017. Impact crater relaxation on Dione and Tethys and relation to past heat flow. Icarus 288, 37-52.

2017. 6. 7 村上雄一(論文紹介)

T. J. Vogler et al., 2007. Static and dynamic compaction of ceramic powders. Int. J. Solids Struct. 44, 636-658.

2017. 5.31 長友文哉(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

Heidi Stange-Love and Eileen V. Ryan, 2015. Laboratory Impact Experiments to Study Asteroid Collisional Disruption as a Function of Size and Shape in the Strength Regime. Procedia Engineering 103, 530-537.

2017. 5.17 田澤拓(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

Silber et al., 2017. Effect of impact velocity and acoustic fluidization on the simple-to-complex transition of lunar craters. JGR-Planets, doi:10.1002/2016JE005236, in press.

2017. 5.10 長足友哉(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

Whizin et al., 2017. The Physics of Protoplanetesimal Dust Agglomerates. VIII. Microgravity Collisions between Porous SiO2 Aggregates and Loosely Bound Agglomerates. Astrophys. J., 836, article ID 9.

2017. 4.26 石黒琢也(実験惑星)(論文紹介)

Avdellidou et al. 2017. Survival of the impactor during hypervelocity collisions -I. An analogue for low porosity targets. MNRAS 456, 2957-2965.

2017. 4.19 大村知美(論文紹介)

Maurel et al. 2017. Numerical simulations of oscillation-driven regolith motion: Brazil-nut effect. MNRAS 464, 2866-2881.

2017 4.12 M1以上自己紹介・研究紹介