

 ナシ属の自家不和合性、遺伝学的に配偶体的に機能する1遺伝子座のSハプロタイプ (S1、S2、S3、…、Sn) によって制御されます。


植物では、同一種内あるいは異種間の交雑によって生じた雑種が両親よりも優れた形質を示す『雑種強勢/ヘテローシス』という現象が知られています (Fujimoto et al. 2018)。現在、多くの野菜は、異なる性質をもつ両親系統間の交雑によって得られた雑種第一代 (F1:First Filial Generation) の種子を大量に採種し、品種とする一代雑種 (F1) 品種です。F1品種には、「両親系統の優良形質を同時に付与できる。」や「形質が均一である。」といった特徴に加え、「雑種強勢により生育が旺盛で収量性が向上する。」といった特徴があります 。 よって、雑種強勢は、植物の収量増加に貢献した遺伝現象として知られており、F1品種による収量改善効果が著しいことは既に明白ですが、未だ、雑種強勢の分子機構は、ほとんど明らかになっていません。 そこで、雑種強勢の分子機構の解明を目指して、モデル植物のシロイヌナズナやアブラナ科野菜のハクサイを中心に、分子生物学的な研究を進めています。


DNAのメチル化が雑種強勢に重要であることを発見 ―収量性に優れた野菜の品種育成の効率化に期待-

Hybrid vigor/heterosis research in Brassicaceae

Hybrid plants have qualities useful in farming, such as increase of biomass and being stress resilient. First-generation hybrid plants (F1 plants) bred to exhibit these hybrid vigor attributes are widely cultivated. Globally speaking, currently maize, rice, and rapeseed are all F1 hybrid cultivars. This phenomenon was discovered over 100 years ago, and is recorded in Darwin’s famous On the Origin of Species. Starting from developing F1 hybrid cultivars of maize at the beginning of the 1900s, a string of hybrid agricultural crops were applied, yields increased dramatically, and the results were comparable to the “green revolution”. However, the molecular mechanisms behind this phenomenon remain unclear.
Currently our team is preparing to comprehensively analyze the changes in DNA methylation caused by loss of DDM1 function and the accompanying changes in DNA expression level. Based on these findings, we plan to conclusively identify the genes that regulate hybrid vigor.
Arabidopsis thaliana is a cruciferous plant, which means that the knowledge gained through this research can be applied to other plants in this family such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage, broccoli, and rapeseed. This could potentially be used to breed high-yield crop cultivars. Our team is also investigating hybrid vigor using Chinese cabbage.

Related Links

Recent research on the mechanism of heterosis is important for crop and vegetable breeding systems
DNA methylation affects superiority of hybrid plants -Discovery could be used in efficient breeding of high-yield vegetables-


アブラナ科葉根菜は栽培中に花芽が形成されると、薹立ち (とうだち)によって商品価値が損なわれます。そのため、低温にさらされても花芽が形成されにくい (薹立ちしにくい) 晩抽性品種が育成されています。特に、ハクサイの冬・春まき栽培では、薹立ちの危険性が高く、より強い晩抽性品種の開発が求められています。このことから、アブラナ科葉根菜の品種育成においては、春化メカニズムの理解が重要となります。
アブラナ科野菜の春化においても、シロイヌナズナ同様、FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC)が中心的な役割を担っています。しかし、シロイヌナズナのAtFLCはゲノム中に1コピーであるのに対して、ハクサイでは4つのBrFLC (BrFLC1、BrFLC2、BrFLC3、BrFLC5)が存在します。アブラナ科野菜の春化は4つのBrFLC全てが重要であり、また、同一個体において、4つのBrFLC間で低温処理前の発現量や、低温によって発現が抑制される程度が異なることが明らかになっています。さらに、これらについて、系統・品種差があります。アブラナ科野菜の晩抽性育種においては、育種素材について、4つのBrFLCの特徴をカタログ化し、特性を把握した上で品種育成していくことが必要になると考えられます。今後はこの可能性を実証するために、4つのBrFLCの特徴と晩抽性との関連性を検証することで、アブラナ科葉根菜の晩抽性品種育成に貢献できればと考えています。



Flowering mechanism in Brassica rapa leafy vegetables

The B. rapa family is made up of leafy and root vegetables. Varieties of B. rapa include Chinese cabbage, pak choi, turnip and komatsuna. These plants require vernalization in order to flower. Vernalization is a period of prolonged cold exposure which triggers flowering. This has traditionally enabled plants to avoid flowering during winter and instead bloom during more favorable spring weather.
Regulating flowering time is important for plant breeding. Alterations to flowering time can increase the cultivation period and improve tolerance against changes in climate conditions. It can also reduce bolting- which is when plants flower too early. Understanding the vernalization mechanism in B. rapa vegetables is important for efficient cultivation.
Extensive studies into the vernalization mechanism in Arabidopsis thaliana (At) have found that there are two genes that play an important role in regulating flowering time- FRIGIDA (FRI) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Our research group discovered two FRI genes (BrFRIa, BrFRIb) and four FLC genes (BrFLC1, BrFLC2, BrFLC3, BrFLC5) in B. rapa. Next, studies were conducted to determine the function of these genes using A. thaliana as a model, and we showed that BrFLC1, BrFLC2, and BrFLC3 genes are floral repressors. We also showed that BrFLC expression levels are associated with flowering time
Resistance to bolting in B. rapa is an important trait for the successful cultivation of these vegetables. The results revealed that in order to prevent cabbage, komatsuna and turnips from flowering while it is still cold, a high quantitative expression of BrFLC genes is needed prior to cold exposure.

Related Links

Genome Triplication Leads to Transcriptional Divergence of FLOWERING LOCUS C Genes During Vernalization in the Genus Brassica
The mechanism that controls Chinese cabbage flowering
Flowering mechanism in Brassica rapa leafy vegetables illuminated


DNA配列が同じ遺伝子を持つ個体間や同一個体内であっても、その遺伝子の発現レベルには違いが見られることが知られています。例えば、植物の同じ個体においても、葉、根、花といった異なる組織では、異なった遺伝子群が発現しています。この場合、各組織のDNA塩基配列は同じであることから、DNA配列以外の情報によって遺伝子発現が制御されていることになります。このようなDNA配列に依存しない遺伝子の発現制御はエピジェネティックな制御とよばれています。エピジェネティックな修飾として、DNAメチル化やヒストンの化学修飾等が知られています。近年、DNA配列を決定する技術が発達しており、多くの生物種で全ゲノムDNA配列の解読が行われています。これに伴い、ゲノム全体のエピジェネティックな修飾パターン (ゲノムに対しエピゲノムと呼ぶ) も、様々な生物種で明らかにされています。



Epigenetic research in Brassicaceae

Differences in gene expression levels have been observed between individuals whose DNA sequence consists of the same genes and even within the body of a single individual. For example, even within the same plant there are different structures in which different groups of genes are expressed, such as leaves, roots and flowers. In this case, the nucleotide sequence of the DNA is the same in each structure, therefore information other than the DNA sequence regulates gene expression. This kind of regulation of gene expression that is not determined by the DNA sequence is called epigenetic regulation. Known examples of this include DNA methylation and histone modification. With the recent advances in technology to determine DNA sequences, it has become possible to determine the DNA sequence for the entire genome of various species. Consequently, genome-wide epigenetic modification patterns (epigenome) have been mapped for various species. We are investigating the relationship between epigenetics and gene expression and how epigenetics relates to agricultural traits and stress responsiveness in cruciferous vegetables.

Related Links

Epigenetic regulation of agronomical traits in Brassicaceae
Gene expression regulation in Chinese cabbage illuminated
System for controlling gene expression in Chinese cabbage revealed



