

私たちの研究室は、ナシ属果樹の自家不和合性に関する研究やモデル植物であるシロイヌナズナとアブラナ科野菜 (ハクサイ、コマツナ、カブ、キャベツ)を対象として、農学的に重要な形質 (雑種強勢、開花、耐病性等)を中心に、分子生物学的なアプローチで研究を進めています。植物の形質は塩基配列の多型に基づくジェネティックな制御に加え、塩基配列の変化を伴わずその修飾状態が変化するエピジェネティックな制御も関わることが分かってきており、私たちの研究室では、遺伝学的な研究はもちろん、エピジェネティックな制御機構についても興味を持って研究を進めています。
Our laboratory is conducting research on self-incompatibility in pear fruit trees and agronomically important traits (hybrid vigor, flowering, disease resistance, etc.) in cruciferous vegetables (Chinese cabbage, komatsuna, turnip, cabbage), focusing on molecular biological approaches. It is becoming clear that plant traits involve not only genetic control based on polymorphisms in nucleotide sequences, but also epigenetic control, in which the modification state of a trait changes without a change in the nucleotide sequence. Our laboratory is interested in genetic research as well as epigenetic control mechanisms.
Our laboratory is looking for masters and PhD students who are interested in working with us. Our laboratory has a good research environment for international students, with several privately-funded students and MEXT fellow students having been joined in the past. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.