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Dr. R. F. Neumeister brought her presentations of our collaborative works at ENCIT2024:

  • R. F. Neumeister, D. M. Rocha, R. Komine, R. Kurimoto, K. Hayashi, G. Ribatski, Velocity Field External to a Tube Bundle Applying Spatial Filter Velocimetry and Machine Learning
  • R. F. Neumeister, R. Komine, R. Kurimoto, G. Ribatski, K. Hayashi, Experimental Analysis of Velocity Fields within the Bubble Wakes
  • Best Student's Presentation Award@ISTP-34: R. Komine, Experimental Analysis of Bubble Terminal Velocity in the Presence of Fibers in Aqueous Solutions
  • Best Student's Presentation Award@ISTP-34: Y. Iwai, Fully-Contaminated State of Single Bubbles in Surfactant-Laden Water at Concentration beyond CMC

Student members brought their presentations to ISTP-34 (10-14 November, Taoyuan, Taiwan):

  • R. Komine, R. F. Neumeister, N. A. B. Ariffin, R. Kurimoto, G. Ribatski, K. Hayashi, Experimental Analysis of Bubble Terminal Velocity in the Presence of Fibers in Aqueous Solutions
  • R. Igarashi, R. Hachikubo, R. Kurimoto and K. Hayashi, Effects of Surfactant on Shape of Taylor bubble in a Square Microchannel
  • Y. Iwai, R. Kurimoto, K. Hayashi, D. Legendre, S. Hosokawa, Fully-Contaminated State of Single Bubbles in Surfactant-Laden Water at Concentration beyond CMC

Presentation at JSMF Annual Meeting (25-27 Sep@Sendai).

  • Ito, K. et al., Breakup of single planar bubbles in stagnant liquid (in Japanese)

Presentation at JSME Annual Meeting (8-11 Sep@Ehime).

  • Kimura, T. et al., Study on oil-water and solid-liquid separation by swirling flow in a vertical tube (in Japanese)

R. Igarashi, R. Komine and S. Hotta were awarded the Best Presentation Awards from the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow.

Presentations at Multiphase Flow Symposium 2024 (4-6 Sep@Toyama University), the annual symposium of the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow.

  • Igarashi, R. et al., Effect of surfactants on the shape of Taylor bubbles in a microchannel (in Japanese)
  • Komine, R. et al., Experimental analysis of bubble terminal velocity in the presence of fibers (in Japanese)
  • Tashiro, S. et al., Study on the shape and velocity acting on single bubble rising in confinement flows (in Japanese)
  • Hotta, S. et al., Effects of pipe oscillation on liquid film thickness of single Taylor bubbles in a vertical pipe (in Japanese)
  • Koto, R. et al., Prediction of volume fractions and pressure drop of swirling annular flows in vertical pipe based on one-dimensional three-fluid model (in Japanese)
  • Neumeister, R. et al., Experimental analysis of bubble terminal velocity in fiber bundle
  • Murase, M. et al., Interfacial Friction in a 3×3 Rod Bundle under Stagnant Liquid Conditions (in Japanese)
  • Takaki, T. et al., Effects of pipe diameters on flow characteristics in vertical pipes under flooding conditions (in Japanese)
  • Yoshida, N. et al., Dependence of void fraction on initial liquid height in a bubble column (in Japanese)
  • Sasaki, S. et al., Drift-Flux Parameters of Heterogenous Bubbly Flows in Cylindrical Bubble Column (in Japanese)
  • Kurimoto, R. et al., Characteristics of air-water two-phase flows in particle packed bed (in Japanese)
  • Tashiro, S. et al. (presented by Hayashi, K.), Shapes and drag of single bubbles rising through stagnant liquid between parallel plates (in Japanese)

Presentations at The 67th National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (3-6 Sep@Yokohama).

  • Kurimoto, R. et al., Pressure drop and bubble velocity of Taylor flow in square microchannels (in Japanese)

Undergraduate students joined us (the list of the members in 2024).

A report for a research work on particle-attached bubbles supported by JKA Auto-Race 2023M-321 can be found via this link. (written only in Japanese)

A report for a research work on the structure of particle-/surfactant-laden bubbly flows supported by JKA Auto-Race 2022M-289 can be found via this link. (written only in Japanese)

The following contribution to IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics and Interface Phenomena of Bubbles and Droplets at Multiple Scales (3-5 December) was made by our research group:

  • K. Hayashi, T. Mori, K. Chujo, R. Igarashi, R. Kurimoto, A. Tomiyama, Surface Coverage of Bubbles with Surfactant or Particles

The following contributions to ISMTMF-2023 (27-30 November) were made by our research group:

  • T. Mori, R. Igarashi, K. Hayashi, R. Kurimoto, A. Tomiyama, Measurements of Surfactant Amount at the Gas-Liquid Interface in Contaminated Taylor Flows in a Microchannel
  • S. Horita, Ryo Kurimoto, K. Hayashi, A. Tomiyama, Effects of Surfactant on Bubbly Flow in Narrow Rectangular Column
  • K. Hayashi, K. Chujo, R. Kurimoto, A. Tomiyama, Drag Coefficients of Particle-Covered Bubbles Produced Using a Microchannel

Dr. Roberta Fatima Neumeister (University of Sao Paulo) has joined us for Postdoc Internship sponsored by FAPESP.

Lab visit on 15 Sep.

  • Prof. Roberto Zenit, Brown University
  • Prof. Yoshiyuki Tagawa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Prof. Toshiyuki Sanada, Shizuoka University
  • Dr. Hiroaki Kusuno, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

R. Koto was awarded the Best Presentation Awards from the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow.

Presentations at Multiphase Flow Symposium 2023 (24-26 Aug@Hokkaido University), the annual symposium of the Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow.

  • Koto, R. et al., Effects of pipe diameter on interfacial and wall friction factors of swirling annular flows in a vertical pipe (in Japanese)
  • Mori, T. et al., Study of surfactant adsorption on the surface of bubbles in a micro-channel (in Japanese)
  • Chujo, K. et al., Measurement of drag coefficient of particle-attached bubbles generated by using micro-channel (in Japanese) [supported by ]
  • Watanabe, N. et al., Effect of bend curvature on void fraction of gas-liquid two-phase flow in a U-shaped bend (in Japanese)
  • Hayashi, K. et al., Effects of surfactant on drag and interfacial vorticity of spherical bubble (in Japanese)

@AJKFED 2023, Osaka

  • R. Kurimoto, et al. Effects of Fine Particles and Surfactant on Bubbly Flows in Narrow Rectangular Column
Official Website

Following contributions to ICMF-2023 (2-7 April@Kobe) were made from/with our research group:

  • Kosuke Hayashi, Lift Correlations of Ellipsoidal Bubbles in Low and High Viscosity Liquids [Keynote Lecture]
  • Ryo Kurimoto (Kobe University); Shin Takaya (Kobe University); Kosuke Hayashi (Kobe University); Akio Tomiyama (Kobe University), Bubbly flows in a column with submerged hollow fiber membranes
  • Timo A. Merbach (Hamburg University of Technology), Benas Mockus (University of Edinburgh), Kazuma Minamitani (Kobe University), Felix Kexel(Hamburg University of Technology) , Michael Schluter (Hamburg University of Technology), Prashant Valluri (University of Edinburgh), Kosuke Hayashi (Kobe University), Akio Tomiyama (Kobe University), Development of a correlation for the terminal rising velocity for 2D-bubbles in unconfined domain (Poster presentation)
  • Benas Mockus (University of Edinburgh); Timo A. Merbach (Hamburg University of Technology); Prashant Valluri (University of Edinburgh); Michael Schlüter (Hamburg University of Technology); Ryo Kurimoto (Kobe University); Kosuke Hayashi (Kobe University); Akio Tomiyama (Kobe University), Terminal velocity and mass transfer of 2D bubbles in a confined hele-shaw cell (Poster presentation)
  • Naoki Shimada (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.); Yusuke Uchihashi (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.); Yuta Yaegashi (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.); Miya Matsuo (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.); Mitsuhiro Ohta (Tokushima University); Akio Tomiyama (Kobe University), Improvement of simple CLSVOF method in the full Eulerian framework (Poster presentation)
  • Hendrik Hessenkemper (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf); Dirk Lucas (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf); Akio Tomiyama (Kobe University), The lift force of ellipsoidal bubbles in water and the influence of surfactants on it

Undergraduate students joined us (the list of the members in 2023).

Dr. Mirco Magnini (University of Nottingham) and Dr. Sepideh Khodaparast (University of Leeds) visited our lab.