道場「未来社会創造研究会」(通称 未来道場)は、新しいコトを学びたい人や世の中を変えるすばらしいモノを創りたい人たちが集まる場所です。世の中には唯一最適な答えのない複雑な問題がたくさんあります。この道場では、そんな答えのない問題を解くために、様々な知が融合する場所を提供したいと考えています。みんなでアイデアを出して、どうすればよいのかを話しあうことで、イノベーションの波がどんどん広がっていくと考えています。その波は、まずは私たち自身、次に私たちの周りに伝わって、そして、新しい未来の扉を開ける力となると信じています。
Creative Dojo is a community of members who share a common love of learning something new and creating wonderful things to change the world better. The Dojo is a knowledge fusion hub for solving difficult ill-defined problems. There are many problems that are not answered in only one optimum solution in the world. We believe that by sharing ideas, methods and stories with the members, we are all better equipped to lead creative innovation for ourselves, our colleagues and the future.
Creative Dojo was started in April of 2016 as a place where many researchers get together and collaborate, talk about the facts and the analysis, all in the interest of having a better society. The Dojo is providing a place for producing researcher’s collective intelligence.
Students and faculty at Creative Dojo focus on understanding human needs and interests as they research. We study human-centered value engineering that is one of key researches for creating a happy society.
Students and faculty come to Creative Dojo from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds. Creative Dojo is a training place for communicating and interacting with other researchers and challenging interdisciplinary collaboration. We always keep academic freedom and equality in mind.
Solving problems that are not answered in only one optimum solution is a similar story for pushing the frontiers. We support students and faculty who challenge to open up a new field with frontier spirit, sometimes with optimism, at the Dojo.