Akiko's Home Page
中村 昭子
- E-mail: amnakamu@kobe-u.ac.jp
- Tel. : 078-803-5740
- 小天体進化の研究を,主として室内衝突実験によって,行っています.
- 「平山族と衝突実験」中村昭子 (2019) 天文月報 112,618-621.
- 「インパクターの破壊」中村昭子 (2015) 遊星人 24,233-238.
- 「小惑星から微惑星へ―太陽系小天体の衝突」中村昭子 (1994) 天文月報 87,329-334.
- Planetary impact process in porous materials,
Collins, G., Housen, K., Jutzi, M., Nakamura, A. M. (2019) in Shock Phenomena in
Granular and Porous Materials. Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena,
eds. Vogler, T., Fredenburg, A., (Springer, Cham), pp 103-136.
- Asteroid impacts: Laboratory experiments and scaling laws,
Holsapple, K., Giblin, I., Housen, K., Nakamura, A., Ryan, E. (2002) in ASTEROIDS III, eds. W. F. Bottke, et al., Univ. Arizona Press.,
pp. 443-462.
- 宇宙科学研究所の衛星搭載の光学カメラの試験や観測提案に関わりました.
特に,はやぶさ探査機の可視多色バンドカメラ(Asteroid Multi-band Imaging CAmera, AMICA)による小惑星イトカワ観測に参加しました.
- 「イトカワ-探査機でみた衝突再集積天体と小天体の衝突過程」中村昭子,阿部新助,平田成 (2007) 遊星人 16,216-225.
- Kadono, T., Nakamura, A. M., Suetsugu, R., Chang, D., Shiramizu, S., Takatsu, I., Ogawa, K., Nomura, K., Nagaashi, Y.,
Murakami, Y., Yamaasaki, Y., Shiomoto, J., Okamoto, T., Tanaka, S., Kawai, N.
Experimental investigation of impact close to the edge of boulders
Planet. Space Sci. 236, 105763, 2023.
- Kiuchi, M., Okamoto, T., Nagaashi, Y., Yamaguchi, Y., Hasegawa, S., Nakamura, A. M.
Impact experiments on granular materials under low gravity: Effects of cohesive strength, internal friction, and porosity of particle layers on crater size
Icarus 404, 115685, 2023.
- Libourel, G., Beck, P., Nakamura, A. M., Vernazza, P., Ganino, C., Michel, P.
V-type asteroids as the origin of mesosiderites
Planetary Science Journal 4, 123, 2023.
- Zorzano, M.-P., et al.
The COSPAR planetary protection requirements for space missions to Venus
Life Sciences in Space Research 37, 18-24, 2023.
- Nagaashi, Y., Nakamura, A. M.
High mobility of asteroid particles revealed by measured cohesive force of meteorite fragments
Science Advances 9, eadd3530, 2023.
- Olsson-Francis, K., et al.
The COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy for robotic missions to Mars: A review of current scientific knowledge and future perspectives
Life Sciences in Space Research 36, 27-35, 2023.
- 「高圧力の科学・技術辞典」入舩 徹男,他(編),
日本高圧力学会(監修), 朝倉書店, 2022,
- の8章 衝突現象/1 クレーター/「衝突クレーター」の執筆を担当しました
- Education
- Doctor of Science, Kyoto University, March, 1993
- Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, 1988-1993
- Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, 1984-1988
- Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kobe Univ., 2007-present
- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Sci. and Tech, Kobe Univ., 1998-2007
- Research Associate, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, 1993-1998
- Lecturer (part-time), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Oct., 1993- Mar., 1994
- Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 1992-1993