神戸大学 大学院理学研究科 惑星学専攻



2016年度 惑星セミナー

2017 2.13 B4卒研発表練習

2017 2. 6 小川 諒修論発表練習


2017. 1.23 横山康喜(論文紹介)

Subsurface deformation in hypervelocity cratering experiments into high-porosity tuffs, Winkler et al. (2016), Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 51, Nr 10, 1849 -1870.

2017. 1.16 木下敏輝(論文紹介)

Numerical modeling of the ejecta distribution and formation of the Orientale basin on the Moon, Zhu et al. (2015), JGR 120, 2118-2134.

2016.12.19 小川 諒(研究紹介)


2016.12. 5 長友文哉、村上雄一、矢部みなみ、山崎祐太郎卒研中間発表

2016.12. 5 石黒琢也、田澤 拓、長足友哉卒研中間発表

2016.11.28 岡崎昌志(論文紹介)

Full numerical simulations of catastrophic small body collisions, Zoe and Stewart (2009), Icarus 199, 542-559.

2016.11.21 松榮一真(論文紹介)

The flybys of Asteroids 2867 Stein, 21 Lutetia, and 4179 Toutatis, Barucci et al. (2015), in Asteroid IV (895 pp.), Eds: P. Michell, F. E. Demeo, and W. F. Bottke, Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 433-450..

2016.11.14 大村知美(論文紹介)

The role of tap duration for the steady-state density of vibrated granular media, J. A. Dijksman and M. van Hecke (2009), Europhys. Lett. 88, 44001.

2016.11.7 横山康喜(論文紹介)

Hypervelocity cratering and disruption of porous pumice targets: Implications for crater production, catastrophic disruption, and momentum transfer on porous asteroid, Flynn et al. (2015), Planet. Space Sci. 107, 64-76.

2016.10.31 小川諒(論文紹介)

Impacts into quartz sand: Crater formation, shock metamorphism, and ejecta distribution in laboratory experiments and numerical models, Wunnemann et al. (2016), Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 51, 1762-1794.

2016.10.17 岡崎昌志(論文紹介)

Impact disruption of gravity-dominated bodies: New simulation data and scaling, Movshovitz et al. (2016), Icarus 275, 85-96.

2016.10.3 木下敏輝(論文紹介)

Origin and implications of non-radial Imbrium Sculpture on the Moon, Schultz & Crawford (2016), Nature 535, 391-394.

2016. 9.26 大村 知美(論文紹介)

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sheds dust coat accumulated over the past four years (2015), Nature 518, 216-218.
Aggregate dust particles at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (2016), Nature 537, 73-75.

2016. 9.5 松榮 一真(論文紹介)

Low-velocity impact cratering experiments in a wet sand target, Takita et al. (2013), Phys. Rev. E 88, 022203.

2016. 7.18 木内 真人(研究紹介)


2016. 7.11 中村 昭子(論文紹介)

Scale-dependent measurements of meteorite strength: Implications for asteroid fragmentation, Cotto-Figueroa, et al. (2016) Icarus 277, 73-77.

2016. 7.4 小川 諒研究経過発表会


2016. 6.27 松榮 一真(論文紹介)

Micro-meteoroid seismic uplift and regolith concentration on kilometric scale asteroids, Garcia et al. (2015), Icarus 253, 159-168.

2016. 6.20 木村 宏(研究紹介)

On the photoelectric quantum yield of small dust particles, Kimura (2016), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 459, 2751-2761.

2016. 6.13 小川 和律(研究紹介)


2016. 6. 6 岡本 千里(研究紹介)


2016. 5. 30 平田 直之(研究紹介)


2016. 5. 16 横山 康喜(論文紹介)

Can ice survive in main-belt comets? Long-term evolution models of comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro, Prialnik and Rosenberg (2009), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 399, L79-L83.

2016. 5. 11 木下 敏輝(論文紹介)

Zumba crater, Daedalia Planum, Mars: Geologic investigation of a young, rayed impact crater and its secondary field, Chuanga, et al. (2016), Icarus 269, 75-90.

2016. 4. 27 岡崎 昌志(論文紹介)

Lunar water migration in the interval between large impacts: Heterogeneous delivery to permanently shadowed regions, fractionation, and diffusive barriers, Moores (2016), JGR -Planets 121, 46-60, doi:10.1002/2015JE004929.

2016. 4. 20 大村 知美(論文紹介)

Formation of Phobos and Deimos via a giant impact, Citron et al. (2015), Icarus 252, 334-338.

2016. 4. 6 M1以上(研究紹介)

2015年度 惑星セミナー

〜2015. 2 実験惑星科学セミナー