
Books and papers

高田 暁 / Satoru TAKADA

学術著書 / Books

  1. 日本建築学会,建築材料の熱・空気・湿気物性値,2001.9.(共著)
  2. 日本建築学会,湿気物性に関する測定規準・同解説, 2006.1.(共著)
  3. 日本建築学会,室内温熱環境測定規準・同解説, 2008.3.(共著)
  4. 現代住宅研究の変遷と展望,丸善,2009.9.(共著)
  5. 温度とからだの事典,朝倉書店,2010.4.(共著)
  6. 日本建築学会,建築環境工学用教材 環境編,2011.3(共著).
  7. 日本建築学会,建築環境工学実験用教材,2011.3(共著).
  8. 日本建築学会,建物における湿害の診断と対策に関する規準・同解説,2013.2(共著).
  9. 日本建築学会,サーマルマネキンを用いた室内温熱環境評価法規準・同解説,2015.2(共著).
  10. 日本建築学会編,心理と環境デザイン-感覚・知覚の実践-,技報堂出版,2015.10(共著).
  11. Architectural Institute of Japan, Environmental Standards AIJES-H0003-2013 (English Version), Standard for Diagnosing Moisture Damage in Buildings and Implementing Countermeasures, 2019.5. (共著)(Digital Contents Distribution)
  12. 日本建築学会,湿気物性に関する測定規準・同解説 第2版,2020.3(共著).
  13. 日本建築学会,建物における湿害の診断と対策に関する規準・同解説 第2版,2021.3(共著).

学術論文 / Original Articles

  1. 永井久也, 松本衛, 高田暁, 地盤蓄熱性状への地下水流の影響について 年周期蓄熱媒体としての地盤利用に関する研究(その3), 日本建築学会計画系論文集 第493号, pp.39-45, 1997.3.
  2. 高田暁, 鉾井修一, 梅野徹也, 布の水分拡散係数の同定, 熱物性, 12巻3号, pp.120-125, 1998.7.
  3. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, N.Kawakami and M.Kudo, Experimental Study on Thermophysiological Response of Clothed Subjects Exposed to Thermal Transients - Sweating and Evaporation Process -, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Vol.2, No.1, pp.57-67, 1999.
  4. T.Umeno, S.Hokoi and S.Takada, Prediction of skin and clothing temperatures under thermal transient considering moisture accumulation in clothing, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 107, Part 1, 4418, pp.71-81, 2001.
  5. 高田暁, 鉾井修一, 工藤正則, 川上直紀, 着衣における熱・水分の移動と蓄積を考慮した人体の非定常温熱生理応答 ―被験者実験とTwo-node modelを用いた解析―, 日本建築学会計画系論文集 第549号, pp.23-30, 2001.11.
  6. 高田暁, 鉾井修一, Two-Node Modelにおける発汗調節モデルの検討, 睡眠と環境, 第6巻第1号, pp.62-70, 2002.9.
  7. 鉾井修一, 高田暁, 小森敏史, 寝具における熱水分移動とその人体温熱生理応答への影響, 睡眠と環境, 第6巻第1号, pp.71-77, 2002.9.
  8. Huang Yinong, Shuichi Hokoi, Nobuo Nakahara, Satoru Takada and Hisashi Miura, Influence of air exchange through small openings between rooms - Consideration of Resident's Lifestyle -, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol.1, No.2, pp.79-86, 2002.11.
  9. Huang Yinong, Shuichi Hokoi, Nobuo Nakahara, Satoru Takada and Hisashi Miura, Influence of air exchange through small openings between rooms, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol.109, Part I, CH-03-2-2, 2003.
  10. 森郁惠, 鉾井修一, 高田暁, 田中宏明, 非定常状態における温冷感予測に関する実験的考察, 日本建築学会計画系論文集 第563号, pp.9-15, 2003.1.
  11. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, and K.Nakazawa, Measurement of Moisture Conductivity of Clothing, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Vol.7, No.1, pp.29-34, 2004.2.
  12. 中澤和弘, 鉾井修一, 高田暁, 着衣-人体間における熱・水分・空気移動解析のための基礎的検討, 日本建築学会計画系論文集 第580号, pp.23-30, 2004.6.
  13. 森郁惠, 鉾井修一, 高田暁, 高温環境における局所冷却時の生理応答-人体熱モデルによる解析と被験者実験-, 日本生気象学会雑誌Vol.41, No.1, pp.19-30, 2004.8.
  14. 岸本嘉彦,鉾井修一,原田和典,高田暁, 壁体内の熱水分移動を考慮した中性化進行予測モデル, 日本建築学会構造系論文集第595号, pp.17-23, 2005.9.
  15. 田中宏明,鉾井修一,高田 暁,高温環境から冷房空間へ移動する場合の深部温の過渡応答,日本建築学会環境系論文集第609号, pp.23-30, 2006.11.
  16. Yoshihiko Kishimoto, Shuichi Hokoi, Kazunori Harada, and Satoru Takada, The Effect of Vertical Distribution of Water Permeability on the Modeled Neutralization Process in Concrete Walls, Journal of ASTM International, Vol.4, No.1, JAI100323, 2007.1.
  17. 安福勝,鉾井修一,高田暁,箸方稔,塩の影響を考慮した布における熱・水分同時移動 第1報 -塩溶液の浸透実験と塩の影響を考慮した布の平衡含水率,空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 No.119,pp.17-22,2007.2.
  18. S. Takada, S. Hokoi, and M.K. Kumaran, Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Moisture Movement in Clothing, Journal of Building Physics 31, pp. 125-142, 2007.10.
  19. 安福勝,鉾井修一,高田暁,塩の影響を考慮した布における熱・水分同時移動 第2報 -熱・水分・塩の同時移動モデルと浸透・蒸発過程の解析,空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 No.131,pp.1-10,2008.2.
  20. S. Takada, H. Kobayashi, T. Matsushita, Thermal model of human body fitted with individual characteristics of body temperature regulation, Building and Environment Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 463-470, 2009.3.
  21. 石黒晃子, 鉾井修一, 高田暁, 石津京二,着衣・寝具を考慮した睡眠時の人体熱モデルに関する研究,日本建築学会環境系論文集,第74巻,第636号,pp.141-149, 2009.2
  22. Abdul Munir, S. Takada, T. Matsushita, Reevaluation of Stolwijk's 25-node human thermal model under thermal transient conditions: Prediction of skin temperature in low activity conditions, Building and Environment Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1777-1787, 2009.9.
  23. 安福勝,鉾井修一,高田暁,箸方稔,塩の影響を考慮した布における熱・水分同時移動 第3報 -着衣における塩の影響と蓄積過程に関する数値解析,空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 No.146,pp.35-43, 2009.5.
  24. 松下敬幸,藤田浩司,岸上昌史,高田暁,常温での測定による加圧煙制御システムの適切さの確認方法,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第74巻 第645号, pp.1203-1210, 2009.11.
  25. 内堀友恵,秋山哲哉,松下敬幸,藤田浩司,高田暁,地下空間での付室加圧煙制御における集合竪シャフト設計法に関する研究,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第74巻 第645号, pp.1195-1202, 2009.11.
  26. Abdul Munir, S. Takada, T. Matsushita, H. Kubo, Prediction of human thermophysiological responses during shower bathing, International Journal of Biometeorology, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp.165-178, 2010.3.
  27. 戒能 慧邦,高田 暁,牛尾 智秋,松下 敬幸, エントランス開放に起因する高層ビルのエレベーターシャフトにおける煙突効果抑制に関する研究, 日本建築学会環境系論文集 第75巻 第658号, pp.1051-1060, 2010.12
  28. S. Takada, T. Sakiyama, T. Matsushita, Validity of the two-node model for predicting steady-state skin temperature, Building and Environment, Vol. 46 No. 3, pp. 597-604, 2011.3.
  29. Yu Hibino, Shuichi Hokoi, Katsuaki Yoshida, Satoru Takada, Masanori Nakajima, Miho Yamate, Thermal physiological response to local heating and cooling during sleep, Frontiers of Architectural Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 51-57, 2012.3.
  30. 岸上昌史,松下敬幸,藤田浩司,高田暁,加圧煙制御における常温換気計算法に基づく給気量算定法および空気逃し開口部の設置高さの影響,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第77巻 第673号, pp. 115-120, 2012.3.
  31. S. Takada, and T. Matsushita, Modeling of moisture evaporation from the skin, eyes and airway to evaluate sensations of dryness in low-humidity environments, Journal of Building Physics Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 422-437, 2013.4.
  32. S. Takada, S. Matsumoto, T. Matsushita, Prediction of Whole-Body Thermal Sensation in the Non-Steady State Based on Skin Temperature, Building and Environment Vol. 68, pp. 123-133, 2013.10.
  33. 高田暁,乾燥感と室内温熱環境条件に関する基礎的研究,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第78巻 第693号, pp. 835-840, 2013.11.
  34. 開原典子,高田暁,室内湿度変化に対する皮膚含水率の非定常応答のモデル化,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第79巻 第697号, pp. 233-239, 2014.3.
  35. 高田暁,表面形状データに基づく着衣内空気層厚さの測定,人間と生活環境 第21巻 第1号, pp. 1-7, 2014.5.
  36. 開原典子,高田暁,周辺空気の絶対湿度変化に対する皮膚含水率の経時変化の測定,人間と生活環境 第21巻 第2号, pp. 67-74, 2014.11.
  37. S. Takada, Individual Difference in Transient Thermophysiological Responses to Stepwise Change in Air Temperature: A Study Based on Experiments for Sedentary Young Male Subjects, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 25-32, 2014.11.
  38. 四宮 直人,高田 暁,牛尾 智秋,高層ビル全体の換気性状の予測に関する研究 エレベーター扉前後の差圧の実測値と計算値の比較,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第80巻 第715号, pp.731-740, 2015.9.
  39. S. Takada, A. Sasaki, R. Kimura, Fundamental study of ventilation in air layer in clothing considering real shape of the human body based on CFD analysis, Building and Environment Vol. 99, pp. 210-220, 2016.4.
  40. 開原 典子,高田 暁,室内滞在時の皮膚含水率と温湿度の関係についての実態調査,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第82巻 第734号, pp. 337-345, 2017.4.
  41. 高田 暁,瞬きに応じた眼の表面温度変化の測定,人間と生活環境 第25巻 第2号, pp. 85-91, 2018.11.
  42. 高田 暁,今井悠喜,鉾井修一,小椋大輔,伊庭千恵美,多数室換気解析に基づく室内環境の改善策の検討 高齢者介護福祉施設における冬期の室内環境に関する研究,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第85巻 第770号, pp. 249-258, 2020.4.
  43. S. Takada, Influence of temperature and humidity of ambient air on sensation of dryness during respiration, Journal of the Human-Environment System, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 31-43, 2020.8.
  44. S. Takada, Study on the lower limit of indoor humidity subject, Experiments on psychological responses, Indoor Air, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 250-263, 2021.1.
  45. M. Nakajima, D. Masueda, S. Hokoi, C. Miyake, S. Wada, S. Takada, Measurement of airborne algal mortality rates due to heat shock treatment, Building and Environment 183, 107123, 2020.
  46. H. Yamamoto, S. Takada, Influence of variability in hygrothermal properties on analytical results of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer in porous materials, Journal of Building Physics Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 757-773, 2021.10.
  47. 川岸佑衣果,高田暁,熱的中立よりわずかに暑熱側の条件における高湿度が不快感に及ぼす影響,日本建築学会環境系論文集 第87巻 第792号, pp. 84-93, 2022.2.
  48. 高田暁,野中隆,古賀弘子,近藤勲,藤川尚也,三井大地,前田享史,入浴中の深部温の予測を目的とした改良型Two-nodeモデルの検証,日本生気象学会雑誌59巻3・4号,pp. 79-88, 2022.11.
  49. 硯愛画,高田暁,皮膚の外観を評価指標とする室内湿度制御に向けた基礎的研究,人間と生活環境第29巻 第2号,pp. 45-52, 2022.11.
  50. K. Ito, S. Takada, Effects of indoor low humidity on eye discomfort and associated physiological responses in soft contact lens and non-lens wearers, Indoor and Built Environment Vol. 32 No.3, pp. 590-602, 2023.3.
  51. Kazuma Fukui, and Satoru Takada, Study on efficient and accurate protocols of measuring sorption isotherm of porous building materials using three-dimensional hygrothermal simulation, Journal of Building Physics Vol. 46 No.5, pp. 541-566, 2023.3.
  52. Kazuma Fukui, and Satoru Takada, Potential errors and improvements in estimating the humidity dependency of vapor permeability using average humidity during cup tests, Journal of Building Engineering 71, 106578, 2023.
  53. K. Ito, S. Takada, Effect of wearing a face mask on microclimate around the eyes and the tear film, Indoor and Built Environment Vol. 32 No. 9, pp. 1828-1842, 2023.
  54. Lu Yuan, Satoru Takada, Yota Nagano, Kazuma Fukui, Quantification of moisture flux from the wall surface in contact with the ground in a semi-underground space based on measurements and hygrothermal analysis, Journal of Building Engineering, 73, 15, 106803, 2023.
  55. 伊藤佳乃子,高田暁,室内湿度が眼の不快の訴えに与える影響の評価に向けた基礎的検討―眼の乾燥感および不快感と涙液層の状態量の関係のマルチレベル分析―,人間と生活環境 第30巻 第2号, pp.75-81, 2023.11.
  56. Kazuma Fukui and Satoru Takada, Water transfer in building materials over capillary saturation during freezing, Cold Regions Science and Technology, Vol. 222, 104199, 2024.6
  57. Kazuma Fukui and Satoru Takada, Impact of air entrapment on capillary absorption in porous building materials, Journal of Building Physics, 2024.
  58. Lu Yuan, Satoru Takada, Kazuma Fukui, Study on mold and condensation risks after vacancy of residential space with walls in contact with the ground, Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 89, 109300, 2024.7.

国際会議論文 / Proceedings

  1. H.Nagai, M.Matsumoto, and S.Takada, A Study on Earth Ground Heat Storage -Numerical Analysis of Ground Water-, Proceedings Pan Pacific Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Conditioning in Asia, Nagoya, Japan, pp.125-134, 1995.3.
  2. H.Nagai, M.Matsumoto, T.Ushio and S.Takada, An Analysis of the Earth Ground Heat Storage Process -The Effects of Ground Water Flow-, Proceedings International Symposium on Moisture Problems in Building Walls, Porto, Portugal, pp.492-501, 1995.9.
  3. S.Takada, M.Matsumoto, and H.Nagai, An Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of the Ground for Annual Ground Heat Storage, Proceedings 7th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage, Sapporo, Japan, pp.25-30, 1997.6.
  4. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, T.Umeno, Heat and Moisture Movement in Clothes, Proceedings CIB W40 meeting, Kyoto, Japan, pp.277-290, 1997.10.
  5. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, N.Kawakami and M.Kudo, Effect of Sweat Movement and Accumulation in Clothing on the Body Temperature Regulation System, Indoor Air 99, Edinburgh, 1999.8.
  6. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, K.Kumaran, Moisture Movement in Clothing under Gravity, Proceedings CIB W40 meeting, Prague, Czech, pp.69-74, 1999.9.
  7. Y.Kishimoto, S.Hokoi, S.Takada, M.Matsumoto, R.Cerny, J.Toman, Influence of Crack on Heat and Moisture Transfer in Concrete Wall, Proceedings CIB W40 meeting, Prague, Czech, pp.87-92, 1999.9.
  8. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, N.Kawakami and M.Kudo, Effect of Sweat Accumulation in Clothing on Transient Thermophysiological Response of Human Body to the Environment, Proceedings of Building Simulation '99, Kyoto, Japan, pp.385-392, 1999.9.
  9. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, K.Nakazawa, Measurement of Moisture Conductivity of Clothing, Proceedings CIB W40 meeting, Wellington, New Zealand, 2001.4.
  10. S.Hokoi, S.Takada, S.Komori, Heat and Moisture Transfer in Bed and its Influence on Human Thermo-Physiological Responses, Proceedings CIB W40 meeting, Wellington, New Zealand, pp.170-178, 2001.4.
  11. S.Takada, S.Hokoi, Adaptability of Thermophysiological Model of Human Body to Non-Steady State in Sweating and Evaporation Process, 7th REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2000/Napoli 2001, Napoli, Italy, 2001.9
  12. S.Hokoi, N.Koumoto, S.Takada, A.Ishiguro, A.Iwamae, Environmental control for comfortable sleeping, considering both physiological resonses of human body and influence of heat and moisture transfer in bedding, Proceedings CIB W40 meeting, Glasgow, UK, 2004.9.
  13. A. Ishiguro, S. Hokoi, S. Takada, N. Komoto, M. Abuku, K. Ishizu, Indoor climate for comfortable sleep, considering heat and moisture transfer between a bedroom, bedding and a human body: Air control system using a predictive model for thermal comfort, The Third International Conference on Human-Environment System ICHES'05 in Tokyo, Japan, pp. 139-144, 2005.9.
  14. I. Mori, S. Hokoi, S. Takada, Field survey on thermal sensation of visitors to museum in summer, The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference in Tokyo (SB05 Tokyo), 03-024. pp.1-6, 2005.9.
  15. A. Ishiguro, S. Hokoi, S. Takada, N. Komoto, M. Abuku, K. Ishizu, Indoor climate for comfortable sleep, considering heat and moisture transfer between the room, bedding and human body: Air control system using a predictive model for thermal comfort, Proceedings of the Third International Building Physics Conference, Research in Building Physics and Building Engineering, pp. 775-781, 2006.8.
  16. Y. Kishimoto, S. Hokoi, K. Harada, F.Watanabe, S. Takada, Influences of acid rain on the neutralization process, Proceedings of the Third International Building Physics Conference, Research in Building Physics and Building Engineering, pp. 209-216, 2006.8.
  17. S. Takada, H. Kobayashi, T. Matsushita, Thermal model of human body temperature regulation considering individual difference, Proceedings of Building Simulation 2007, Beijing, China, pp.725-731, 2007.9.
  18. S. Takada, H. Kobayashi, T. Matsushita, Description of individual difference in human body temperature regulation by using two-node model, Proceedings of Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2007), Sendai, Japan, Vol. I, pp.867-874, 2007.10.
  19. M. Abuku, S. Hokoi, and S. Takada, Simultaneous heat, moisture and salt transfer in clothing, Proceedings of 8th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp.307-314, 2008.6.
  20. S. Takada, H. Kobayashi, T. Sakiyama, Individual difference in transient thermophysiological responses to change in air temperature, A study based on subject experiments for sedentary case, 2008 Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Wellness @ Living Environment, Cheju, Korea, pp.9-12, 2008.11.
  21. S. Takada, T. Matsushita, Prediction of evaporation rate from the skin, eyes and airway to evaluate sensation of dryness in a low humidity environment, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Environment System, Sapporo, Japan, pp.271-276, 2011.10
  22. S. Takada, N. Kaihara, T. Matsushita, Response of skin surface moisture to change in indoor temperature and humidity, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Environment System, Sapporo, Japan, pp.277-282, 2011.10
  23. A. Imai, S. Takada, T. Matsushita, Analysis of heat, air and moisture transfer in air layer in clothing based on 3D shape data, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Environment System, Sapporo, Japan, pp.103-108, 2011.10
  24. S. Matsumoto, S. Takada, T. Matsushita, Study on prediction of thermal sensation in non-steady state proposal of equation and its applicable range, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human-Environment System, Sapporo, Japan, pp.241-246, 2011.10
  25. Noriko Kaihara, Satoru Takada and Takayuki Matsushita, Transient response of skin surface moisture content to change in indoor humidity, Measurement and modeling of moisture transfer in skin surface, Proceedings of the 5th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, Japan, pp.939-944, 2012.5
  26. Satoru Takada, and Takayuki Matsushita, Modeling of moisture evaporation from skin, eye and airway for evaluating sensation of dryness under low humidity environment, Proceedings of the 5th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, Japan, pp.953-958, 2012.5
  27. Yu Hibino, Shuichi Hokoi, Katsuaki Yoshida, Satoru Takada, Masanori Nakajima, and Miho Yamate, Thermal physiological response to local heating and cooling during sleep, Proceedings of the 5th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, Japan, pp.959-964, 2012.5
  28. Akiko Ishiguro, Shuichi Hokoi, and Satoru Takada, Effect of posture on thermal regulation of human body during sleep, Experiment involving awaken subjects, Proceedings of the 5th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Kyoto, Japan, pp.981-987, 2012.5
  29. Satoru Takada, Akiko Imai, Takayuki Matsushita, CFD analysis on ventilation in air layer in clothing considering real shape of the human body, Proceedings of the 9th International Meeting for Manikins and Modeling (9i3m), Tokyo, Japan, No. 15, 2012.8
  30. Satoru Takada, Mari Inoue, Narihiko Kondo, A model of heat and moisture transfer in and around clothing, coupled with a human thermal model for the analysis of the transient state, including the process of sweat evaporation, Proceedings of the 9th International Meeting for Manikins and Modeling (9i3m), Tokyo, Japan, No. 16, 2012.8
  31. Satoru Takada, Evaluation of sensation of dryness in airway under low humidity environment by heat and moisture transfer model of respiration, Proceedings of the 6th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Torino, Italy, 2015.6. Energy Procedia Vol. 78, pp. 2772-2777, 2015.12.
  32. Naoto Shinomiya, Satoru Takada, Tomoaki Ushio, Study on ventilation in high-rise building based on pressure differences measured at elevator doors, Proceedings of the 6th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Torino, Italy, 2015.6. Energy Procedia Vol. 78, pp. 2712-2716, 2015.12.
  33. Naoya Moriyama, Satoru Takada, Heat and moisture transfer properties of mud wall, Application of simultaneous heat and a moisture transfer model for hygroscopic range to high humidity conditions, Proceedings of the 6th international Building Physics Conference (IBPC), Torino, Italy, 2015.6. Energy Procedia Vol. 78, pp. 1495-1500, 2015.12.
  34. Satoru Takada, Yoshitaka Ito, Moisture evaporation from eyes and prevention of sensation of dryness under low indoor humidity, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Archi-Cultural Interactions through the Silk Road, pp. 186-189, Mukogawa Women’s Univ., Nishinomiya, Japan, July 16-18, 2016.7.
  35. Tomohiro Osaki, Satoru Takada, Influence of ventilation in the air layer of clothing on heat and moisture transfer around the human body, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Archi-Cultural Interactions through the Silk Road, pp. 190-193, Mukogawa Women’s Univ., Nishinomiya, Japan, July 16-18, 2016.7.
  36. Funamoto Shota, Takada Satoru, Hokoi Shuichi, Ogura Daisuke, Iba Chiemi, Iida Kenji, Analysis of temperature and humidity in the bedroom of a Japanese dwelling house in winter, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Archi-Cultural Interactions through the Silk Road, pp. 194-197, Mukogawa Women’s Univ., Nishinomiya, Japan, July 16-18, 2016.7.
  37. Satoru Takada, Yoshitaka Ito, Measurement of ocular surface temperature for determination of moisture evaporation rate at eyes and prevention of sensation of dryness, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human-Environment System, 20154, pp.1-9, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, 2016.11.
  38. Tomohiro Osaki, Satoru Takada, Analysis of heat and moisture transfer around the human body considering ventilation in the air layer of clothing, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human-Environment System, 20155, pp.1-10, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, 2016.11.
  39. Funamoto Shota, Takada Satoru, Hokoi Shuichi, Ogura Daisuke, Iba Chiemi, Iida Kenji, Hygrothermal analysis of bedroom of dwelling house in winter, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human-Environment System, 20157, pp.1-8, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, 2016.11.
  40. Kana Inamoto, Chiemi Iba, Shuichi Hokoi, Daisuke Ogura and Satoru Takada, Evaluating the energy consumption and heat loss in the hot water supply and heating systems of a nursing home, Proceedings of 7th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC2018, Syracuse, NY, USA, 177, 1-6, 2018.9.
  41. Kazuma Fukui and Satoru Takada, Water uptake of porous building materials with extremely small air entrapment effects, 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB2023), Aalborg, Denmark, 012033, 2023.12

総説 / Review Articles

  1. 高田暁, 体温調節系の解析モデル, 日本生気象学会雑誌Vol. 40. No.4, pp.225-234, 2003.12.

規格 / Standards

  1. ISO 22185-1:2021 Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures — Part 1: Principles, nomenclature and moisture transport mechanisms, 2021.2(共著).
  2. ISO 22185-2:2024 Diagnosing moisture damage in buildings and implementing countermeasures — Part 2: Assessment of conditions, 2024.2(共著).